Ordering Supplies < Extractopedia

Ordering Supplies

When ordering your allergenic extracts, you will be asked to provide some basic information about your requested products. To ensure that your order is accurate and appropriate, you should take into consideration the following:

Extract Name

Several allergens have similar or identical sounding names (e.g., Pecan tree pollen, Pecan food). Additionally, some allergens may be available in a variety of different but similar species (e.g., White Oak, Red Oak, or Live Oak) while other allergens may have very different names yet are closely related species (e.g., Sagebrush and Mugwort are both in the genus Artemisia). 


If you have a preference in extract formulation this should be noted when placing your order. Occasionally, a product may be unavailable in a particular formulation. In general, aqueous and glycerinated extracts can be mixed so long as the allergens are compatible. However, in certain situations, a small adjustment for potency may be necessary since glycerin provides more stability.

Vial Size

Allergenic extracts are offered in one or more standard vial sizes (e.g., 5 mL, 10 mL, 50 mL). It is helpful to understand your office’s anticipated needs before placing your order. For extracts that will not be used often, buying smaller vial sizes may reduce the amount of waste from expiration. For extracts that will be used frequently, it may be less expensive to purchase a large bulk vial instead of multiple smaller vials.


There are two ways of referring to metric system measurements for volume: milliliters (mL) and cubic centimeters (cc). Vials are usually labelled in milliliters (mL) whereas syringes are usually labelled in cubic centimeters (cc). One cubic centimeter is equivalent in volume to one milliliter, so a 1.0cc syringe can be filled with 1.0mL of liquid.

[1 mL = 1 cc]

For more information see the following sections: